[Vtigercrm-developers] Scheduled workflow more frequent than hourly

nilay khatri nilay.spartan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 17:43:47 GMT 2018

Adding a by pass for that in the vtigercron.php should do.

In the file there is a check for the next trigger time. You can put a
condition such that if the task name is workflow by pass the check which
would then execute all the workflows every min. or at the frequency your
cron is configured. But woudl apply to all the workflows, not the specific
scheduled workflow.

Other way is to customize the scheduled workflow template and add values to
input the frequency less then hourly.

But if in the workflow task if you are doing a task which requires full
database scan or processing huge number of records//entire records in the
module, it can cause you performance issues.

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 6:00 PM tablemint <aztecmint at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to run a scheduled workflow every 15 minutes. I only see
> options
> for daily, weekly, hourly...is it possible to add this option?
> Note that I know how to run trigger the cronjob more frequently, I am
> asking
> specifically for scheduled workflows
> Cheers
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