[Vtigercrm-developers] Workflow / Event Handler timing question

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 10:03:59 GMT 2018

Am getting rather frustrated by this...

I've added a new field to the Leads module called "Previously Assigned 
To". It's a UIType 53 and stores a user id value.

I created an Event Handler for Leads that is listening for the 
vtiger.entity.aftersave.final event. It examines the VTEntityDelta and 
if the "assigned_user_id" changes, it updates my new Previously Assigned 
To field with the old_value of the Delta using vtws_revise (to trigger 
the new workflow below). This is working - so on-screen when viewing the 
Lead, it shows the new Assigned To value and the Previously Assigned To 
field shows the old Assigned To value.

I then created a Workflow for the Leads module to send an Email to the 
Previously Assigned To user, with a trigger when the Previously Assigned 
To field changes, to inform them that they no longer own this record.

The workflow is triggered by the Event handler as I would expect. BUT 
this workflow retrieves the older value of the Previously Assigned To 
field (yet it has the right Assigned To value). So it sends the email to 
the previously Previously Assigned To ;-)

Here's the relevant Event Handler code:

>         if($handlerType == 'vtiger.entity.aftersave.final' && in_array($moduleName, $modules)) {
>             // Use Admin user so we can make the field Read Only in profiles
>             $user = Users::getActiveAdminUser();
>             $recordId = $entityData->getId();
>             $vtEntityDelta = new VTEntityDelta();
>             $prevAssTo = $vtEntityDelta->getOldValue($moduleName, $recordId, 'assigned_user_id');
>             if($prevAssTo) {
>                 $prevAssTo = vtws_getWebserviceEntityId('Users', $prevAssTo);
>                 try {
>                     $wsid = vtws_getWebserviceEntityId($moduleName, $recordId);
>                     $data = array('prev_assigned_to' => $prevAssTo, 'id' => $wsid);
>                     $ent = vtws_revise($data, $user);
>                 } catch (WebServiceException $ex) {
>                     $log->debug($ex->getMessage());
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         $log->debug("Exiting Event Handler class: " . __CLASS__);

What is wrong? How can I get the timing right?


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