[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger 7 Features (preliminary list)

Manuel ptdesigner at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 16:51:24 GMT 2017

Yes Alan. Seems vt7 is a new thing and brings good stuff. But nowadays thats’t enough anymore.

The prove is that community doesn't bother waiting if it is for the good of the platform.

I see some attention and effort with vt7 but always think about what could happen if this effort have been applied to fix things? This could make a big diference.

Don´t take me wrong but this Crm can be a lot better with some improvements and we could achieve some kind of perfection as well.

The base and improvements for search in related lists, the ability to reorder column lists even the default one, is great in vt 7 (standard functionalities in IMHO)
What appears to be a regression is the animation in layout of the spinning loader that blocks the full area of the Crm. Once people gets used with one system we expected that people want to do faster clicks and navigate quicker.

Best Regards.


> Plus a hundred or so bug open reports... Not triaged, closed or anything.
> Al

> No dia 24/03/2017, às 11:59, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> escreveu:
> On 24/03/17 11:48, Manuel wrote:
>> @satish,
>> Do you still plan to release RCA version ov Vt7?
>> I see no point submit releases without some functionalities work:
>> 1 - Portal Client is not coherent with configurations of CRM. In
>> settings you have the option for each field of each module to set Read
>> only or Read and write but that doesn’t´t reflect in customer portal
>> because customer portal still the old version.
>> 2 - Module Mobile still incomplete. Shows in list view “Priority not
>> specified”, incredibly slow and editing records don’t assume fields as
>> pick lists or date etc etc
> Plus a hundred or so bug open reports... Not triaged, closed or anything.
> Al
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