[Vtigercrm-developers] Delivery module

William Cardona wcardona2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 24 16:24:58 GMT 2017

Hi to all
excuse me, who is has a delivery solution on vtiger 5.4.
   William A. Cardona "Todo lo Puedo en Cristo que me Fortalece"Honduras, CentralAmerica       504 9834 9127 

      From: Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com>
 To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com 
 Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 10:16 AM
 Subject: [Vtigercrm-developers] vtws_create('Emails')?
I'm in the process (well almost finished) of doing a fairly complex job 
for a client where we are merging two separate vtiger systems into one.

Mostly what I am doing is this:

* Read each module's data from the source database using SQL queries
* Iterate over each row and compare relevant information with the target 
system to see if we need to create a new record or merge the data into 
an existing one
* use vtws_{create/revise} as needed
* store a table of old to new crmids

If you start with the right modules this seems to be working well.

I've got comments, Documents and even ModTracker data moved now too. But
now I am trying to move emails from the source to the target system, I 
am getting stick because of that god-awful idlists column.

If there are multiple entries in this row, i.e.

40 at 1|345 at 1|23456 at 1|

what is the format to get this into the vtws data array? If I try and 
keep the same format each time it tries to create a new record I get the 
very helpful exception message:

> Exception: Permission to perform the operation is denied for id

Here would be a typical data array which I am sending into the 
vtws_create method:

> Array
> (
>    [activitytype] => Emails
>    [date_start] => 2016-06-15
>    [time_start] => 16:00:05
>    [assigned_user_id] => 19x1
>    [from_email] => roaths at tech.com
>    [saved_toid] => ["roaths at tech.com"]
>    [ccmail] => [""]
>    [bccmail] => [""]
>    [parent_id] => 39718 at 1|
>    [email_flag] => SENT
>    [description] => An Potential has been assigned to you on vtigerCRM<br>Details of Potential are :<br><br>Potential No:<b>POT10</b><br>Potential Name:<b>UNI Quote Request</b><br>Amount:<b>0.00</b><br>Expected Close Date:<b></b><br>Type:<b></b><br><br><br>Description :<br><br>Thank You<br>Admin
>    [subject] => Regarding Potential Assignment
> )

But it is not being accepted.

For one ID in the idlists I can probably deal with that with the 
"wsidxid" format I guess, but what is the format when there is more than 
one in the original email?




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