[Vtigercrm-developers] Extensions Store Guidelines

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 18:31:40 GMT 2017

vtiger devs - that sucks.

IMHO Smackcoders are leaches. As far as I can tell they give little to 
nothing back to the community.

We have had a few customers use some of their extensions in the past 
(ones that are encrypted with ioncube and sold directly, not on the 
Marketplace) and our customers had many problems with poor quality and 
poor support from them.

When did Smackcoders produce a product called PDF Maker? (Marketplace ID 
= 359)

When did IT Solutions produce PDFMaker? (Marketplace ID = 14)

And since when are demo links a problem? In fact, yesterday you wouldn't 
accept one of our extensions because there was *NO* link to a demo???

I really think you guys need to get your priorities right.

I am in full support of Matus here.


On 05/12/17 11:41, IT-Solutions4You wrote:
> Dear vtiger Team,
> many times we have big issue and time delay for publishing vtiger 
> extension thru marketplace. Currently I see in your Marketplace 
> extension which broke more Guidelines.
> PDF Maker
> https://marketplace.vtiger.com/extensions?id=359
> 1. Naming Guidelines
> 1.4 Extension name and identifier should be have unique short prefix 
> that avoids collision with other extensions published.
> There is currently PDF Maker extension in Marketplace so I think this 
> name totally avoids collision with other extensions published
> 4. Acceptance
> 4.5 Extensions should not copy the functionality and UI of other 
> extensions or services.
> This is a full copy of our extension ;-). Anyway I understand it but 
> please with another name.
> 6. Extension Description
> 6.3 Description should not have any links to external pages, nor 
> advertise any other products or services
> You don't publiseh our extensions because of links to our page minimal 
> 10 times (not demo link was allowed). Now in this extension there is a 
> lot of links to external pages. See how our Description looks:
> https://marketplace.vtiger.com/extensions?id=14 and compare it.
> We are really very disappointed about this situation. Because we feel to 
> be deceived. Many of our extensions cann't be published for a small link 
> to our demo and on the other side another company can write what it wants ?
> Matus
> ITS4You
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