[Vtigercrm-developers] #VtigerAlpana

Ranieri rslemer at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 10:33:56 GMT 2017

Very nice!

2017-12-05 8:22 GMT-02:00 IT-Solutions4You <info at its4you.sk>:

> I founded this article:
> https://www.vtiger.com/docs/vtiger-alpana
> Matus
> Dňa 1. 12. 2017 o 11:48 Alan Lord napísal(a):
>> Dear vtiger devs, is there any implications to Marketplace modules that
>> work in On-Demand now?
>> "
>> When our team decided to face-lift Vtiger, our mission was clear -
>> enhance the user experience without making users learn a new UI. After
>> putting in over 4000 hours of work and many lengthy deliberations we
>> achieved our mission.
>> We know that you are waiting eagerly to see the UI improvements. Hold on
>> your excitement just a little longer. Starting next Monday, we'll unveil
>> every detail of the new look. #VtigerAlpana #VtigerRefreshedLook
>> #VtigerFaceLift #VtigerCRM
>> "
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>> http://www.vtiger.com/
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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