[Vtigercrm-developers] Has anyone actually tried to "install" vtiger 6.5.0 on Ubuntu 16.04?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 12:50:23 GMT 2016

This is interesting (not).

I can get a migrated vtiger system to run on Ubuntu 16.04 fine but 
installing a clean one seems to fail at several hurdles the last of 
which I give up on trying to trace right now:

1. MySQL 5.7 SQL Mode defaults are too strict for vtiger's code (see: 

Anyway, turning all errors that I can so I can get past the initial 
installation screens (error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED) I get to 
the point of choosing my Industry (does everyone always choose 
Accounting ;-) ) and starting the installation after the very briefest 
of progress bars then I get an "empty" installation screen with no 
errors logged anywhere.

Me thinks PHP7 still isn't really supported...


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