[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger 7 Features (preliminary list)

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 07:15:42 GMT 2016

On 19/10/16 07:19, Simone Travaglini wrote:
> Hello in Vtiger7 will be possible, like in ondemand, attach email to
> opportunity and ticket?

Oooh - I didn't realise it could do that...

vtiger devs, I will be starting on a pretty big development and 
customisation project for a customer shortly (currently vtiger 6) and 
this is a feature I was going to have to develop myself.

If this is likely to end up in the vtiger 7 open source it might save 
them a fair bit of money and/or have an impact on the way I design this 

I like the way you can link an email to many different types of records, 
that's a nice idea :-)



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