[Vtigercrm-developers] Question on Docusign...

Stefan Warnat ich at stefanwarnat.de
Fri Oct 14 14:11:45 GMT 2016

Hy Alan,

I already play a little bit with DocuSign, because it is accepted in the US
for digital official documents and we test the usability, how we could
integrate this into a client process..

At that time, we found some problem, which prevent the usage for my client.
But I cannot remember, what this was in detail.

In my tests I only push a document to DocuSign and request persons to sign
the document, based on my Workflow Designer module. I frequently check the
document status and pull it to Vtiger.
Until now nothing was finished, but I could remember, it was not very hard.

Could you say, which DocuSign feature you need in detail? (Maybe by mail
directly, if you don't want to share it)

Generally I see the benefits for my Workflow Designer module to integrate
DocuSign, but I need someone, who direct me to the most useful functions,
for a "real" client.
I only have test clients, which wouldn't use it in daily work.



*Freelancer at Webdevelopment*

Web: http://www.stefanwarnat.de
Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Stefan_Warnat2
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stefan-warnat/6/827/820
eMail: kontakt at stefanwarnat.de

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> Bump.
> On 04/10/16 16:22, Alan Lord wrote:
>> I have a requirement for Docusign integration on vtiger Open Source.
>> Before I embark on loads of work (which could potentially end up being
>> pointless) can I ask vtiger if this module is likely to form part of the
>> vtiger 7 open source release? Or even if it might become a Marketplace
>> module available to buy?
>> Alternatively, if any other devs out there have already done this, give
>> me a shout.
>> TIA
>> Al
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