[Vtigercrm-developers] forge.vtiger.com offline

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 11:12:41 GMT 2016

On 12/07/16 11:58, Matteo Baranzoni wrote:
> @prasad:
> http://community.vtiger.com/help/vtigercrm/developers/extensions/examples.html
> here i see some link to forge.vtiger.com <http://forge.vtiger.com>.

Just FYI:

There is a _slightly_ more serious problem which might affect other 
forge projects as well as the Thunderbird extension perhaps???

When I rebuilt the Thunderbird extension I introduced automatic updates. 
The URL which is currently configured in the TB extension looks to the 
forge to see if there are any updates.

I did mention back when I first did this (*years* ago) that I would need 
to know if the forge was going to go "in advance" so I could issue a new 
update and point it at a new host.

However, having said all that, there is probably going to be a big 
change to TB soon which will require a re-write of the extension anyway 
(no Gecko). TB's viability all together is also unclear right now so I 
was not planning on doing anything else to this extension for the 
foreseeable future.

And if/when it would deserve some TLC it should be re-written to conform 
with the Mozilla extension guildelines so it could be hosted on their 
servers anyway.


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