[Vtigercrm-developers] How to apply slab wise discount?

kiran kiranraju.jakka at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 08:46:47 GMT 2016


I'm working with a scenario like, I have 4 different categories in products
where as i would like to give discount on category basis while creating a
salesorder. Meaning that my product type is liquid, So i would like to give
a discount in a particular way like below...

category1 ---- product1(1000 Rs/-) & product2(2000 Rs/-)     (in Ltrs)
category2 ---- product3(3000 Rs/-) & product4(4000 Rs/-)    (in Ltrs)

Current month discount::
If a person buys category1 product 100 or above litres then additional
discount have to add 2 Rs/- per litre.

 Now the discount as follows,

Product Name    ::::    product1  
---  100(QTY)  
--- Total(100,000)  
--- Discount (100,000 - (100*2))  
--- PreTax Total (99,800) 
--- Grand Total (99,800 + Tax(x))

This is the scenario i would like to implement.

Can anyone please share the suggestions on which way is better to achieve in
long run?

Is that discount per category have to do in a separate module? Or could I
manage that in the existing modules?

Thanks & Regards,

View this message in context: http://vtiger-crm.2324883.n4.nabble.com/How-to-apply-slab-wise-discount-tp20331.html
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