[Vtigercrm-developers] HELP!! Vtiger 6.5. google sync error: refresh token is null

Maurizio Martinez Bazan maurizio.martinez at mandsons.it
Tue Dec 6 19:01:40 GMT 2016

Hello, I received the trial version, but when I try to install it is 
reported to me an error message. I sent an email with the error to 
support @ smackcoders but have not received any response.
I'm really interested in your product, and I want to do a test before 
evaluating the purchase, but this way I can not do with the trial.
Thank you
Il 03/12/2016 06:30, smackcoders ha scritto:
> Yes, you can get a FREE trial pack. Please do mail us at
> support at smackcoders.com
> --
> View this message in context: http://vtiger-crm.2324883.n4.nabble.com/HELP-Vtiger-6-5-google-sync-error-refresh-token-is-null-tp20149p20191.html
> Sent from the vtigercrm-developers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/


Maurizio Martinez Bazan
Mandsons s.r.l.
Via ingegnere 136
95125 Catania
Tel 095-2967542 Fax 095 - 6735287  Cell:  3487240460
SITO WEB:   www.mandsons.it

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