[Vtigercrm-developers] 6.5 listview button back doesn't work

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 08:38:14 GMT 2016

On 12/08/16 08:38, socialboostdk wrote:
> I agree. Did you find any "quick fix" for the issue, or is that not
> applicable?

I haven't looked that hard yet but it appears that the hidden input in 
the listview template(s)

> <input type="hidden" id="previousPageExist" value
> ="" />

Is not getting set to true when there is a previous page.

This is probably then either then a typo in a Javascript library (but am 
not seeing any errors in firebug), or something wrong in the Listview 
Controller or Paging Model classes I guess.


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