[Vtigercrm-developers] Organizations > Account

Stacey Johnson stacey.johnson110 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 14:29:47 GMT 2016

@srenivas - should prospects not belongs ONLY to leads module? Just asking
as it seems mixing marketing with sales.
Account should hold organization or person... in this case, system seems to
be focused ONLY on incorporated entities. Where are
private customers (B>C)? All  money on this world is spent by people, this
is who buys all stuff,. Organizations holds it, manage it but they can
exists only because of human being.... Of course the use case here is
determined by Vtiger users - the question is what is the statistic? Is it B
to B only?

@socialboostdk - it is not about translation but logic


On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 9:12 PM, socialboostdk <socialboostdk at gmail.com>

> And you can just rename it in the language-file, so it does not matter at
> all.
> /Chris
> On 1 August 2016 at 15:53, Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com> wrote:
>> 'Accounts' is usually seen to be paying customers. Since  prospects are
>> also included in this module, we renamed it from Accounts to Organizations
>> On Jul 30, 2016 12:47 PM, "Tony Sandman" <tonysandman999 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> What about changing name: Organization to Account?
>>> In the business environment where CRM applications are in use especially
>>> where it
>>> has other processes implemented it seems to be more common to use
>>> Account instead of Organization. Anyway database uses "accounts" name for
>>> organizations... I guess it comes from
>>> SugarCRM... What do you think?
>>> Tony
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