[Vtigercrm-developers] Count all the things!

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Wed May 6 13:11:03 GMT 2015

It would be interesting to compare the performance of the two 
approaches, in the PHP server side method (your code) it is doing all 
the counts before the page renders to the user, which should be fairly 
quick, but any delay does impact directly on the page load time. With my 
alternative approach there is no added delay in rendering the page to 
the user, but once the page has arrived there are a bunch of subsequence 
requests to the server for the counts. In theory the same amount of 
processing, but any delay doesn't get between the user and the page 
being in front of them. With the javascript approach I can also do 
things like update the counts when you do a quick create button, because 
that is all client side events I can register for and respond to. Now on 
the down side, I make a heap of extra small requests to the server, the 
policy of the browser means you can only do 6 or so in parallel to the 
same server, so you get to wait for some of them (which is also why the 
calendar performance sucks) this extra waiting almost doesn't matter for 
the counts, however if you go to detail mode and then quickly hit edit 
you do end up for all the counts to resolve before your edit request 
happens. If this was more of an issue I was thinking that I could do a 
service in my module to get all the counts for related lists in one 
request, basically serialise all the requests together and deliver one 
answer to all of them. This is barely worth doing for the purposes of 
updating the counts, but could be a dramatically big fix for shared 
calendars with more than 6 people.


On 06/05/15 10:00, Christophe Humbert wrote:
> Congratulations Alan
> I hope you reuse part of my code i posted some weeks ago
> Christophe Humbert
> /IT Program Manager/
> *CoProcess S.A*
> +352 691 391 974
> +33 6 50 09 48 88
> Skype: chris.e.humbert
> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Alan Bell <alan.bell at libertus.co.uk 
> <mailto:alan.bell at libertus.co.uk>> wrote:
>     I am pleased to announce another module in the store, this one is
>     nice and straightforward and useful, in detail mode it adds a
>     count to the related item navigation on the right of the screen.
>     That way you can see from an organisation how many trouble tickets
>     or contacts or whatever that there are, before clicking through
>     all the links (or by pressing page down if you have the Keyboard
>     Junkie module installed).
>     it is available now in the marketplace
>     https://marketplace.vtiger.com/app/listings?id=148
>     or from github (clone, zip and enjoy)
>     https://github.com/AlanBell/LSRelated
>     Alan.
>     _______________________________________________
>     http://www.vtiger.com/
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

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