[Vtigercrm-developers] Idea for Workflow tasks...

Richard Hills - Technologywise richard at tw.co.nz
Fri Jun 26 00:59:36 GMT 2015

Great idea +1

On 25/06/15 22:00, Alan Lord wrote:
> There are occasions when you want a Workflow to modify a field or 
> something but the user that triggered the workflow doesn;t have the 
> permissions in their own Profile so the workflow fails to run.
> What I thought would be a good idea would be to have a switch setting 
> on each task in a workflow where you can choose either to run it as 
> the current user or as "admin".
> What do you think?
> Al
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Richard Hills
TechnologyWise Ltd, Tauranga, NZ
richard at tw.co.nz
ph: +64 (0)7 571 1060
fax: +64 (0)7 571 1061

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