[Vtigercrm-developers] Create a Lead in Web service using vtwsclib 1.5

Christophe Humbert chrissc.humbert at gmail.com
Sun Jun 14 14:30:58 GMT 2015


I am trying to create a lead using webservice and vtwsclib but I have an
INVALID_SESSIONID:Session Identifier provided is Invalid

Please find my code


Je fais tourner un web service

$file = realpath('vtwsclib');
include_once $file.'/Vtiger/WSClient.php';
$url = 'https://www.lib-assur.com/vtiger';
$client = new Vtiger_WSClient($url);
$login = $client->doLogin('user', 'key');
if(!$login) echo 'Login Failed';
else {
    $module = 'Leads';
    $record = $client->doCreate($module, Array('lastname'=>'Test_LS',
    if($record) {
        $recordid = $client->getRecordId($record['id']);
        echo $recordid;
    else {
        $wasError= $client->lastError();
        if($wasError) {
            echo "</br>last error : ".$wasError['code'] . ':' .



Thanks in advance
VTiger 6.2

Christophe Humbert
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