[Vtigercrm-developers] Google Calendar Integration problem

PlaymaN Tepes sshhocckk at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 09:33:58 GMT 2015

Hi all,

Im trying to make work Google Calendar Integration but Im having some
troubles to make it work.

When I'm trying to synchronize, I login into my Gmal Account and CRM says:

"Access restricted to app"

The problem I found is in modules/WSAPP/SyncServer.php - line 30 -
function: appid_with_key($key) is searching for a key in vtiger_wsapp So,
my problem is there is only one record in that table and key doesnt match
with key entering in that function, so, the function return 0. Anyone can
explain me how vtiger_wsapp works? Im totally lost... Thanks.
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