[Vtigercrm-developers] some issue in calendar

Simone Travaglini simonetravaglini at gmail.com
Fri Jan 23 09:51:15 GMT 2015

Hi to all,
I've found some bug in calendar:

1 - if a subordinated role create a To Do and assign to a user with
superior role, also if is set to permit this action, I get Permission
Denied. The To Do is created anyway. I think is related to the fact that
then is redirected to record to wich can't access.
Is it poissible to set that also creator of to do can access to record
(also if have subordinated role) and not only the assigned to user?
2 - if a user invite another use to an event, I see this in list but not in
calendar view

Anyone faced the same problem?

Thank you for support

Simone Travaglini
328 5499846
Linkedin: Simone Travaglini

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