[Vtigercrm-developers] Help Please !

Mehdi Rahimi mrm.cisco at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 16:38:49 GMT 2015

Hi Dude,

I  need to understand the vtiger 6 structure , can you help me ?
what i need is in 2 PARTS :
1: when i submit a form to database where is the final and exact place of
inserting (updating) . i need it because i have changed the date to jalali
format (for persian) in datepicker and calendar but i need store the date
in orginal format (georgian) so i need to re-covert to that at storing time.

2:when the data is shown from database i need the same as above , convert
orginal date from db to persian , i need the exact php file .

I really appreciate you and look forward to hearing from you side.

Kind Regards,
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