[Vtigercrm-developers] Custom UI Type?

S T Prasad stprasad at stprasad.com
Fri Feb 13 12:40:16 GMT 2015

Hi Alan,
This is what I would do
0. Choose a unique name, Pick2radio and number, 999, for our new UI Type

1. New script, Pick2radio.php, model it on the simple Picklist.php

2. Pick2radio.tpl, model it on Picklist.tpl, UI transformation to radio
logic goes here

3, Insert record into vtiger_ws_fieldtype with values, 999 and pick2radio
(note the lower case)
insert vtiger_ws_fieldtype set fieldtypeid=<maxvalue+1>, uitype=999,

Use the new UI number 999 in any new field earlier defined in vtiger_field
as picklist type(16) to test the basic concept.

There is some more work to be done to handle the selection, new picklist
entries etc, but i guess you got the drift

Regards, ST Prasad

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> I want to make a new UI Type field for vtiger 6 which basically turns a
> set of picklist values into a group of Radio buttons so you can only chose
> one.
> Is there any documentation on creating new UITypes for vtiger 6?
> Al
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With best regards,


The Purr-fect mate for vTiger
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