[Vtigercrm-developers] viewer - exclude default wrapper (menu etc)

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 07:38:14 GMT 2015

On 04/02/15 22:21, Richard Hills - Technologywise wrote:
> I am creating an export to html from a module and am wondering how I can
> use the templating system without all of the crm wrapper? ie just to use
> my own modules template.
> Any advice would be great.

Create a view for your module, use that view to load your own template 
(should be in layouts/vlayout/modules/YOURModule/)

Copy a template for the kind of view you want to re-produce then start 
stripping out the information/markup you don't need.

However, for the purist in me, I would not be generating html from the 
model or view and sending it to the template. IMHO, to keep the 
separation of roles, the template should be rendering the markup from 
your (raw) data.


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