[Vtigercrm-developers] Registered Event for Invoice module also being used by other modules

Lennart van Ballegoij lennart at egmmedia.nl
Fri Dec 25 01:40:47 GMT 2015


I've been working on a Vtiger module that sends the data of a saved Invoice
to a third party API.

I'm using a Event Handler to retrieve the data from the Invoice module
and process it to send it to the third party API.

After finishing the module i started testing it and it worked great except
for returning empty entry's  to the database from time to time.

When i looked into what caused the empty entry's i found out that it was
caused by the save of other modules.

But i thought the Event Handler will only run for the Module that was
registered in the Vtiger_Event::register ?

Is this not the case or am i just doing something wrong ?

My Vtiger event register code:

        public function registerInvoiceEvent(){
            if(Vtiger_Event::hasSupport()) {
                        'Invoice', 'vtiger.entity.aftersave',

My Event handler code:

class ReeleezeeHandler extends VTEventHandler {

public $helper = null;

public function __construct(){
require 'modules/Reeleezee/Helper.php';
$this->helper = new Reeleezee_Helper();

 function handleEvent($eventName, $data) {

       if($eventName == 'vtiger.entity.aftersave') {
        if ($data) {
            $moduledata = $data->getData();
                        //More code here but don't think it's relevant

Can anybody give me a push in the right direction for why this is happening

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

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