[Vtigercrm-developers] Migration from 5.4.0 to 6.x doesn't handle VTCreateEntityTask differences

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 12:47:00 GMT 2015

I don't believe that the Create Entity Task in version 6 is functionally 
equivalent to that in 5.4.0.

In 5.4.0 We were setting the "Assigned To of the new entity to the value 
of the Assigned To of the Triggering Entity. (In this case When creating 
a New LSSite, the Workflow created a related Contract). (See screenshot)

In version 6 you can't set the Assigned To of the new record to be the 
"value" of the Assigned To of the triggering Entity. You can only 
hard-code a particular user from the Picklist. (See screenshot).

*That is a regression IMHO*

I do not believe that the Migration scripts take this difference into 
consideration so when you try to open the Create Task editor it crashes 
because it expects the value to be a userid when it is instead the name 
of the field: "assigned_user_id". Look at the file 
modules/Settings/Workflows/views/EditTask.php you will see where this 
breaks in the foreach loop starting on line 56.


Libertus Solutions
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