[Vtigercrm-developers] Looking for best approach to change the URL field appearance. Hack the core or develop a module?

Preexo preexo at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 19 03:08:49 GMT 2015

Thanks for the feedback! Creating a new UI type might be a bit cleaner, I

But in the end the vtiger core code still needs to be touched too many times
and too often when new custom ui types are being integrated into the vtiger,
E.g.: If you want it to be able to be picked in the settings, the admin has
to be hacked, if it should not support ajax the
moudules/Users/models/Field.php has to be hacked, the data/CRMEntity.php
needs to be adjusted for the saving event, and so on and on. I have done it
multiple times and it has shocked me every time how many vtiger files I
needed to touch. After an update, all my changes are gone.

Or can this be achieved without modifying the core vtiger code, with just
creating an extension?

I was just hoping that the vtiger module system is the solution to hacking
the vtiger core files all the time, but it seems to me like the module
system is not fully ready yet.

Was also hoping for some input from you experienced developers, maybe I just
missed something crucial!
Best regards!

View this message in context: http://vtiger-crm.2324883.n4.nabble.com/Looking-for-best-approach-to-change-the-URL-field-appearance-Hack-the-core-or-develop-a-module-tp17113p17129.html
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