[Vtigercrm-developers] Issues and malwares - vtiger market place extension

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 14:00:57 GMT 2015

On 28/04/15 14:50, Conrado Maggi wrote:
> Hello Blazec,
> Thanks a lot for taking the time to review the extension. I agree that
> the module needs to be removed from the marketplace.
> Also, I think vtiger really needs to reconsider the acceptance of
> encrypted/obfuscated code. This is a clear example that it's not
> sustainable.
> This impact not only that extension but the entire marketplace idea.

That's pretty scary stuff I agree.

I would suggest that if vtiger wants to allow encrypted code they should 
sign an NDA with the publisher and then not allow it on the Marketplace 
until they have reviewed an unencrypted version and they use *at least* 
an MD5 hash to verify version updates etc...

If Blazec's review is accurate (and I have no reason to doubt that) then 
That module really sucks.


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