[Vtigercrm-developers] action links in new tab?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 08:53:58 GMT 2015

I have a custom module in vtiger 6.2.0 that has a couple of new action 
links in Detail and List views - these are links to external services, e.g.:

> $contractActionLinks[] = array(
> 	'linktype' => 'DETAILVIEW',
> 	'linklabel' => 'LBL_CREATE_PROPOSAL',
> 	'linkurl' => 'http://myspecialservice.com/dp2/dev/index.php?record=' . $recordModel->getId(),
> 	'linkicon' => ''
> );

As they are now, these links take the user away from the vtiger page 
they are on to a completely different site. This might or might not be a 
good thing but I'm wondering if there is a built-in mechanism to 
indicate that these these action links should open in a new tab or 
window (like when adding target="_blank" to the anchor tag)?



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