[Vtigercrm-developers] creating an SMS provider module

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Tue Sep 23 22:24:45 GMT 2014


I want to create a new provider for the SMS Notifier, specifically one 
that sends SMS messages through a locally attached 3G dongle. The 
provider class needs to be dropped into modules/SMSNotifier/providers, 
but I am not sure what the right way of doing that is in a separate 
module. Can I put the class in another module and use a postinstall 
script to copy the file into the SMSNotifier module? I am sure that 
would work, but I am not sure that it is a well behaved thing for a 
module to do. Is there a cleaner way to do it?


-- Libertus Solutions http://libertus.co.uk

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