[Vtigercrm-developers] assigned to filtering in list view - not working?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 07:51:08 GMT 2014

On 23/09/14 04:12, Richard Hills - Technologywise wrote:
> public static function getDayStartsPicklistValues($stucturedValues){
>                 $hour_format =
> $fieldModel['hour_format']->getPicklistValues();
>                 $start_hour =
> $fieldModel['start_hour']->getPicklistValues();

I had the problem during early testing of migrations.

I can't quite recall what it was caused by but I think it was something 
to do with the Calendar and some vtiger tables not being created for the 
user settings to do with default event types and such like:

> vtiger_calendar_default_activitytypes
> vtiger_calendar_default_activitytypes_seq
> vtiger_calendar_user_activitytypes
> vtiger_calendar_user_activitytypes_seq

These were absent from my migrated database.

It suggests to me that your migration died before it had completely 

If you have a very large database, there is a routine in the 5.4.0 -> 
6.0.0 migration that creates the new "label" content in the crmentity 
table. It takes *ages* to run (I mean like 10 hours on ~250k records)...

We worked around this by adding the label column to the crmentity table 
and populating all rows with a "-" *before* running the 5.4.0 -> 6.0.0 
migration script so this step was then bypassed. Then I wrote query to 
do it much quicker (in about 3 minutes) which I ran after the migration 
had completed:


This is not perfect and is almost certainly *not* the best way to do it 
but it was much, much quicker :-)



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