[Vtigercrm-developers] Do we use the table vtiger_version in 6.1.0 GA?

Holbok István holbok at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 11:14:26 GMT 2014

Dear vtiger Team,

I tested the migration process from vt6.0.0. to 6.1.0 GA.

The content of <vtiger_root>vtigerversion.php was changed as it was 
$patch_version = '20140916';  // -ve timestamp before release, +ve 
timestamp after release.
$modified_database = '';
$vtiger_current_version = '6.1.0';
$_SESSION['vtiger_version'] = $vtiger_current_version;

But the database table *vtiger_version* still shows 6.0.0 after migration:
id 	old_version 	current_version
1 	6.0.0 	6.0.0

Is it normal?

Kindest regards:


*Holbok István*

*e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com
*SkyPe:* holboki

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