[Vtigercrm-developers] Anyone written a script to replace columns in filters?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 15:32:41 GMT 2014

As part of a migration project I have quite a *lot* of filters I need to 

Basically I am replacing and removing a bunch (> 70) of custom fields 
and I want to go through each filter for a given module and, using an 
array map I already have, replace the table and fieldnames (cf_xxx) with 
their proper names.

Before I embark on writing my own script to perform a search & replace 
on a bunch of tables I just wondered if anyone had done this before? Or 
if there is an API I could cajole into using?

I guess the easiest way would be to do this in a SQL dump file using sed 
but am curious if anyone else has come across this before...

(There isn't anything in the vtlib API Filter class that will help me 
other than getting the filter names and ids themselves)



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