[Vtigercrm-developers] vt61 PBXManager???

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 12:03:56 GMT 2014

I have just noticed in the logs for vtiger 6.1.0 if PBXManager is 
enabled the following about every 3 seconds...

> SELECT * FROM vtiger_pbxmanager AS module_table INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity AS entity_table  WHERE module_table.callstatus IN(?,?) AND module_table.direction=? AND module_table.pbxmanagerid=entity_table.crmid AND entity_table.deleted=0
> Thu Nov 20 11:59:36 2014,648 [31318] DEBUG VT - Prepared sql query parameters : [ringing,in-progress,inbound]

Please tell me this isn't so :-(

I thought you'd got rid of the constant polling...


Libertus Solutions

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