[Vtigercrm-developers] 600_610.php migration script...

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 08:02:30 GMT 2014

On 19/11/14 15:12, Alan Lord wrote:
>> $customer = PBXManager_Record_Model::lookUpRelatedWithNumber($callfrom);
> That function lookUpRelatedWithNumber() will *never* return a $customer
> array because there is no phone number in the callto column - there is a
> href with a crmid...

Of course I meant call_from which, for all of our customers only ever 
contains the user's firstname lastname string...

> What on earth was the idea behind this?

Also, the subsequent query in the script above to populate the new 
pbxmanager columns attempts to write the value of $customer (which is an 
*ARRAY*) into one customer column. Is there some magic I wasn't aware of 
to handle this?

> $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_pbxmanager SET customer = ? AND user = ? AND totalduration = ? AND callstatus = ? WHERE pbxmanagerid = ?', array($customer, $user, $timeofcall, $callstatus, $pbxmanagerid));


Libertus Solutions

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