[Vtigercrm-developers] migration of large database...

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 14:22:43 GMT 2014

On 18/11/14 23:07, VTE wrote:
> Agreed, large data sets can be complicated. We had a migration with 500k
> comments and it didnt go well. What we did is - truncated modcomments tables
> and removed entries from crmentity, the migration went smoothly and after
> that we just re-inserted mod comments from backup db into upgraded and
> updated the label.

I modified my script this morning so it's a bit more robust.

I just tested it and it ran to completion in approximately 20 minutes... 
On 2 million rows ;-)




PS: Am now battling the PBXMigration code at the bottom of 
600_610.php... I missed this bit the first time round and have just 
realised it's been running for 3 hours so far... I have > 400,000 rows 
in vtiger_pbxmanager :-(

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