[Vtigercrm-developers] Contacts Duplicated

Manuel Fernando ptdesigner at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 15:50:59 GMT 2014

Sorry but that doesn’t make any sense at least for me.

Imagine how it is windows not telling you that you are replacing another file.

Those customers should ask Microsoft as well to disable replace checking?
Not being sarcastic, it’s the way i see this as nonsense at all.

Best Regards.

> No dia 14/11/2014, às 15:29, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> escreveu:
> On 14/11/14 15:24, Manuel Fernando wrote:
>> We all are correct and have different needs or ideas but i still think
>> that as a basic operation of web app’s like vtiger is mandatory to
>> inform and ask if you wold like to replace contact or duplicate the
>> contact. Just simple as it is.
> Nope.
> We have customers that do not want *any* duplicate testing at all ;-)
> It must be configurable...
> Al
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