[Vtigercrm-developers] Custom UITypes

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Fri Nov 7 15:12:03 GMT 2014

can I join in this dream?
I think a start would be some kind of common registry for custom ui type 
numbers. I have a uitype 310 in an application. No idea if that clashes 
with a UItype310 belonging to someone else. (310 is a multivalue uitype 
10, it stores comma separated IDs rather than just one)


On 07/11/14 14:49, Jonathan Sardo wrote:
> Hi!
> May we dream about a solution which allows us to install a new custom 
> UIType like a custom Module, and offer these UITypes in the Marketplace?
> At the moment, you need to modify core files to add new UITypes.
> Regards,
> Jonathan SARDO
> Images intégrées 5
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