[Vtigercrm-developers] Future developments

IT&M srl - Riccardo Guerriero riccardo.guerriero at itempd.it
Fri Nov 7 14:08:01 GMT 2014

Hello everyone,
my name is Riccardo, and I work for IT&M.

We would like to know if there are any projects relating to some evolution that we found interesting.

In particular:

Like in vTiger 5.4, there was the possibility to set up blocks of filter conditions.
I didn't find any way to do so in vTiger 6.1, but I am probably doing it wrong because my colleague told me that he saw the database was preset to accept blocks of conditions.
Is there a way to do so via front-end?

In vTiger 5.4 we extended the Popup module so that anyone could apply the related module's Custom View filters.
Basically, you could enter the Popup of, say, the Accounts module and you had a picklist that listed all the Custom Views availlable for the Accounts module; clicking on one of those resulted in the popup lines and columns to change accordingly to what had been set for that Custom View.

Another thing that we extended in vTiger 5.4, this makes so that the user creating a Custom View can also decide the "ORDER BY" field and ordering (Ascendent, Descendent).
This came in the form of a picklist right under the columns list that the user could pick (or not) and have his filtered record ordered by the field he selected.

Has something already fully or partially been done?

Note: this email has a corresponding post into the forum at: https://discussions.vtiger.com/index.php?p=/discussion/174202/future-developments#Item_1
If you're more comfortable with it, you can post there.

Thank you,
Riccardo Guerriero
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