[Vtigercrm-developers] Problem Exporting DB PhpMyAdmin

Matt Bracewell mattbracewell at eclipse-tech.co.uk
Wed Nov 5 13:21:59 GMT 2014


As long as you can get ftp access you may find adminer doesn't time out in
situations when phpmyadmin does.

They claim it's 28% faster than phpmyadmin so its probably worth a shot
given your (very) restricted access.


Matt Bracewell
Eclipse Automotive Technology Ltd

On 5 November 2014 13:04, Conrado Maggi <comaggi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks.
> In this particular case I do not have shell access, I don't have access
> ask at all. It's a dump that was sent to me
> Anyone saw this behaviour?
> El 05/11/2014 11:02, "Alan Lord" <alanslists at gmail.com> escribió:
> On 05/11/14 09:39, Conrado Maggi wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This happens twice on the last we days. PhpMyAdmin exports only part of
>>> vtiger database. The table with just a few column contents not all
>>> columns contents
>> I would never use phpmyadmin to export or dump. It's way too slow.
>> We just use mysqldump on the command line.
>> HTH
>> Al
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