[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger limitations ?

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Sat May 17 02:36:16 GMT 2014


Glad to hear you are happiness about the platform - we will continue to
mature it and get it much better.

We did want to avoid massive rewrite of the source as our development was
over changing the wheels,
it wouldn't be hard to define new structures and handle migrations - we
will do at some point of time.

Sending too many emails from a server could lead to throttling etc... and
needs special care in the dispatching server you may have to review the
same. Vtiger does not implicitly impose any restrictions but server
settings would.


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On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 12:24 AM, John Glidvard <john at kbx.dk> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been working with vtiger for a while now 6.0, and I am pretty happy
> about the platform. However it could need some polishing and more
> structured source.
> Eg. to launch a service where all image-uploads are stored in a folder
> called "test", tells me that developers as a team might not be that welled
> structured? I might be wrong, and would be happy to be corrected here...
> Anyway... my question is another concern.
> The Crontask has a limit to run every 15 min. As I understand it is not
> recommended to set cron intervals lower than that. Could someone plesae
> explain me why?
> Eg. if we need to send SMS at a fixed time like 5 minutes past 3pm, this
> is not possible.
> Someone told me that lower intervals could make conflicts if too many
> emails are being sent from vtiger at the same time. And cron task is
> executed before the email cue is empty.
> In case vtiger 6 is working like this - sending all outgoing data into 1
> bulk, can someone please tell me which limits we are working with in vtiger
> 6.
> what is maximum outgoing messages.
> and what is actually the maximum no of entries vtiger can handle?
> Thanks
> John
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