[Vtigercrm-developers] Multiselect Combo Box - Vtiger 6.0/6.1 - Error

Stencel, Maciej m.stencel at opensaas.pl
Mon May 5 14:46:19 GMT 2014


I've noticed that multiselect works incorrectly both in vtiger 6.0 and 6.1.

How to recreate it:

1. Create Multiselect Combo Box field, and assign to it some values.
2. Go to chosen module, create record and assign to that field some values.

Everything works good, if You edit it and change selected values it will
save ok. The problem is when You deselect values and hit Submit. Then the
values are not changed, even modtracker wont catch that the record was

So basicly, this once assigned some values will always have some, because
You cant deselect all of them and just hit save.

I've created the track ticket here:

*Z poważaniem / Best regards*

*Maciej Stencel*
*Tel: +48 884-997-123*

*m.stencel at opensaas.pl <m.stencel at opensaas.pl>www.OpenSaaS.pl
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