[Vtigercrm-developers] VT6 Settings "rules"...

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 16:18:49 GMT 2014

What is the "rule" as to whether a modules' settings should be 
accessible from the popup Settings drop down menu in the Module Manager, 
or in the "Other Settings" area?

The Customer Portal has a rather unique layout so that kind of makes 
sense to be in the "Other Settings" bit. But the Webform module, exists 
in the Module Manager and has a listview layout like the SMSNotifier; 
yet Webforms is under the "Other Settings" section and SMSNotifier is 
via the Settings drop down in the Module Manager.

I'm asking because with GeoTools, there are two rather separate bits of 
configuration to deal with: Core settings, and the geocoded modules' 
settings. It seems to me it would be nice to separate these into two 
screens and display the two options in the module manager Settings drop 
down. But I wonder if it __should__ be in there or in the "Other 
Settings" area?



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