[Vtigercrm-developers] Need a Javascript cluebat...

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 11:27:50 GMT 2014

I've been looking at migrating GeoTools to VT6. It's been a good way to 
learn about VT6 as it is quite a complex module in terms of the View it 
needs to produce.

One thing I need to accomplish is to support the idea of an embedded 
list (a list view of a module within an another module). And it's mostly 
working now. BUt I've supidly copied the app.js from /resources and I've 
ended up with duplicate event handlers on the same page.

What I could really do with doing is to override a couple of functions 
in resources/app.js when the GeoTools page loads.

I've been reading up on Javascript's prototype and am getting rather 
confused :-(

As an example in app.js the function:

> var app = {
> 	getModuleName : function() {
> 		return jQuery('#module').val();
> 	},

I would like to override so it instead does:

> 	getModuleName : function() {
> 		return jQuery('#embedModule').val();
> 	},

Anyone care to hit me with a cluebat?

I know I could write a new function and replace the calls elsewhere but 
that doesn't really seem to be the correct way in this new object based 
MVC architecture.



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