[Vtigercrm-developers] Adding an external URL in menu...

Janicki, Michał m.janicki at opensaas.pl
Wed Jul 30 07:08:07 GMT 2014


Yes, we have the possibility to add URL in our module Menu Manager. It also
has many different options for a configuration of the top menu. More
information can be found here:

The module itself can be tested here:

login / pass - admin / admin

In section tools I did link to an external URL.

*Z poważaniem / Best regards*

*Michał Janicki*
*Tel: +48 884-999-531*

*m.janicki at opensaas.pl <m.janicki at opensaas.pl>www.OpenSaaS.pl

2014-07-29 16:04 GMT+02:00 cheyennemtnman <cheyennemtnman at yahoo.com>:

> Is it possible to add an external URL to the top menu?  I would like a
> return url to the root or to a subdomain... Would you have to create a
> module in order to do this?
> Thank you for any response
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