[Vtigercrm-developers] PBXmanager

Rishab K rishab.k at vtiger.com
Mon Jul 28 05:38:46 GMT 2014


You can unzip the connector files into the folder of your choice in same
server where Asterisk is running.

There are few changes that need to be done in the properties file.

   - Whether connector is running in the same server where asterisk is
   running? if so then please configure under*ServerIP* filed.
   - From the config it seems to be like Asterisk is running on 85 port? if
   not please configure default asterisk port(5038) or port on which asterisk
   is running under *AsteriskServerPort*.
   - Configure different port for "*ServerPort*" as this port will be used
   for the communication between connector and vtiger.
   - *AsteriskUsername* and *AsteriskPassword* is from Asterisk i.e
   username and password configured in manager.conf.

In Vtiger settings, make sure the Asterisk App URL is of the form *(http or
https) :// Asterisk_Server_IP : (ServerPort) *  [Assuming connector is
installed in same server where Asterisk is running ].

On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Zebra Hosting <support at zebrahosting.eu>

>  Thanks for the answers. Not working yet so let me go through all the
> steps. Might be worth a little rewrite of the manual, since I have
> configured hundreds of servers and get lost in this one :-)
>  Step 1: install Vtiger Asterisk Connector:
>  I think it should be clear where to unzip/place that folder…
> Never got a proper reply about that, nor can I find that info on the net
> just a lot more people asking…
>    - Update VtigerAsteriskConnector/VtigerAsteriskConnector.properties
>   Mine looks like:
>   /*
>  * Copyright (C) www.vtiger.com. All rights reserved.
>  * @license Proprietary
>  */
> // Location where the application server will be running..
> ServerIP   = 82.192.76.xxx
> ServerPort = 85
> StorageDir = /tmp
>  //Location where the applications database files will be stored.
> AsteriskAppDBPath = /tmp
>  // Asterisk Server Details
> AsteriskServerIP   = 91.196.171.xxx
> AsteriskServerPort = 85
> AsteriskUsername   = admin
> AsteriskPassword   = xxxxxxx
>  // Vtiger CRM URL
> VtigerURL = http://crm.xxxxxxx.nl
> VtigerSecretKey = 93118098753c6ce5100faf
>  Asterisk username and pw are from the Asterisk server or from created
> account / extension?
>  If extension, what kind of extension, SIP or different?
>  Bastiaan Houtkooper
>  Zebra Hosting
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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