[Vtigercrm-developers] Please install extension loader

Mel m.brummell at btinternet.com
Sun Jul 20 15:09:51 GMT 2014


I am testing vtiger 6.1 latest trac rerlease. when I go to Manage Modules I
can no longer see the installation option instead I am presented with: 

"Please install extension loader"

When I click on the instruction link, its not really clear what I need to
do. I have downloaded the relevant file, but stuck at this part: 

2. Unzip and copy (vtigerextn_loader_X.Y_os_arch.so) into php-extension
3. Enable vtigerextn_loader as zend_extension

a. Where exactly is this directory? I did upload to pkg/vtiger/extensions
but realize this isn't right. Is it done via SSH? I am on a VPS (Linux) with
WHM and CPanel. 

b. How do I enable the loader?



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