[Vtigercrm-developers] Custom Module Icons VT61
Holbok István
holbok at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 15:29:09 GMT 2014
Hi Alan,
Please put the icon to the root (where the manifest.xml located) of the
module package and zip together with the files.
The icon name is mandatory: modulename.png
The final location will be here:
You can also add several images to your custom module packaged to the
/images folder of the module install package.
To access these images you can use the <img
src="{'your_image.png'|vimage_path}"/> approach in the smarty template file.
*Holbok István*
*e-mail:* holbok at gmail.com
*SkyPe:* holboki
2014.07.10. 15:38 keltezéssel, Alan Lord írta:
> Hi,
> If I wanted to add a nice icon for my custom module, where should it
> go in the module package and how is it referenced - for example in the
> Module Manager Settings area?
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