[Vtigercrm-developers] Selling Subscription Services
Siam Translations LLP
info at siam-translations.com
Sat Jul 5 02:41:52 GMT 2014
On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Remember way back when in March 2012 I kicked of a discussion about the
> limitations of handling subscription/rental services in Quotes, Sales
> Orders and Invoices?
> No?
> See here: http://lists.vtigercrm.com/pipermail/vtigercrm-
> developers/2012-March/021973.html
> This has just come up again.
> A telecoms business sells various things:
> * Hardware like Phone systems, handsets, cabling etc.,
> * Installation type services (one off cost),
> * Recurring services like Line rental, Hire Purchase/Lease fees etc.
> These third items have to go on the Quote and be propagated through to the
> Sales Order and Invoice. But these types of items have a frequency (i.e
> monthly) and a term (i.e. 24 months).
> There is still no way to handle this from what I can tell without major
> surgery.
> Can the devs suggest a way to extend vtiger (6.1) so this can be handled
> properly? I'm thinking some kind of extension module that extends the
> Services module (or build a new one) that becomes available as a line item
> in the Quote/SO/Inv and offers the user the ability to enter the frequency
> and term when they are building the quote.
> The really good bit is this information also needs to be accessible in the
> Reports. :-)
> New UIType perhaps?
> Suggestions welcome.
> Cheers
> Al
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