[Vtigercrm-developers] Recent 6.1 SVN check in

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 13:11:23 GMT 2014


in revision 14160 you checked in a bunch changes, most of which are 
related to language strings.

In Settings/Profiles.php you added some strings to en_us and elsewhere:

>     'ConvertLead' => 'ConvertLead',
>     'DuplicatesHandling' => 'DuplicatesHandling',
>     'ReceiveIncomingCalls' => 'ReceiveIncomingCalls',
>     'MakeOutgoingCalls' => 'MakeOutgoingCalls',
>     'Print' => 'Print',

I'm not clear where these are used and why the translation has not been 
spaced, e.g. "ReceiveIncomingCalls".

Is this deliberate or just lazy? ;-)



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