[Vtigercrm-developers] Can I do these things without core hacks?

Richard Hills richard at tw.co.nz
Wed Jul 2 20:51:48 GMT 2014

Although it is true that the time needs to be weighed, in any 
development work which I do I will always try to work within the 
framework in order to avoid issues in the future.

Basically I need a way to override functions from core modules with 
functions defined in my own modules. I have only seen an extension 
module which registers an event for a module, is it actually able to use 
this same system to override a method inside of an existing module?

Feedback from the vtiger team would be much appreciated, I am sure you 
can confirm if such an override is possible.


On 01/07/14 19:09, Alan Lord wrote:
> I should think you could achieve these by not having to modify core 
> files, but you need to weigh up the time it would take to develop and 
> extension module to override the normal behaviour vs a quick hack to a 
> file...
> Once I've done with migrating GeoTools to 6.1 I want to take a look at 
> the tool David V provided on here called JSValidation (which we've 
> modified a bit since then). This is for 5.4.0 and will probably need 
> to be completely re-written for the v6 architecture but the approach 
> it took was rather clever and has enabled us to write fairly arbitrary 
> validation rules for any module without core hacks.
> Cheers
> Al
> On 30/06/14 22:54, Richard Hills wrote:
>> I needed to edit the following two functions within the core of vtiger
>> in order to allow users to only select specific tickets when editing
>> their entries (this is a time booking system where tickets need to be in
>> a specific status to allow time to be booked on them).
>> modules/HelpDesk/models/Module.php function getQueryByModuleField
>> modules/Vtiger/models/Record.php function getSearchResult
>> I'm just wondering if there is a way for me to do this without changing
>> the core files?
>> Likewise I edited the campaigns module so I could add a link to a
>> mailing list sync module in the more dropdown, is there some way to just
>> add this via an api call?
>> modules/Campaigns/models/DetailView.php function getSearchResult
>> Thanks
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Richard Hills
TechnologyWise Ltd, Tauranga, NZ
richard at tw.co.nz
ph: +64 (0)7 571 1060
fax: +64 (0)7 571 1061

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