[Vtigercrm-developers] email double encoding

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Tue Jan 28 10:08:03 GMT 2014

Hi all,
not sure if anyone has seen this situation, but we have some emails that 
we think were probably caused by a Microsoft Word to Outlook mail merge 
that have been encoded as html entities, then added to vtiger with the 
outlook plugin, so opening the email in the vtiger UI presents the html 
source. I don't have a reproduceable scenario as I don't use Windows, 
but the description field in vtiger_crmentity starts with:

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>

so that is rendered when you click on the email in vtiger as
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>

which the users don't really want to see.
To fix this I have edited Smarty/templates/EmailDetailView.tpl and 
changed the rendering of the description (line 70) to show:

rather than just {$elements.value}. This means it decodes the text 
before rendering it, this appears to be a harmless operation on emails 
that contain actual HTML rather than escaped HTML so all the mails 
display right. I suspect this might create a security problem though, 
any escaped javascript would now be executed in the browser, which is 
probably bad.

Has anyone else seen this, and does anyone have a better solution to it?


Libertus Solutions

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